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Resources & Copy Tips

Eugene Schwartz Headline Genuis


Intellectual Magazine Cover

Dan Kennedys' Know Your Prospect

November 12th 2020

Dan Kennedy was a marketing strategist and best selling author. Often called the millionaire maker because that's what his advice did for many people. 


Image by Museums Victoria

Eugene Schwartz

Headline Genius


November 13th 2020


Eugene Schwartz is one of the best copywriters in history. His sales record speaks for itself. Here's just a fraction of his accomplishments: He wrote a television advert that sold to one in every 14 American TV owners. He made $50 million dollars from a textbook on natural health.29 May 2020

Plane on Runway

I am in the behaviour modification business! Sounds Scary? You Should Try it!


As mentioned in my slightly disturbing title, I am in the behaviour modification business.


Sounds kind of dystopian doesn't it?

However never fear, it's done from the heart. Almost a superpower indeed!

 I can use words, and frame them to appeal to your prospect's emotions.


A business is willing to pay for me to write their copy. From web pages, sales letters, case studies, or an email sequence.


What a truly fabulous way to earn a living.


I solve people's problems.


I provide the solution.


You can have an amazing product, but without great copy that converts prospects into customers, you might as well have a plane that never leaves the runway!

Resources and Tips: Resources and Tips
Male Model

Schwartz's headline heaven 


Breakthrough Advertising


Resources and Tips: Projects

One of the Most Expensive Advertising Books Ever!

November 2020

Eugene Schwartz is still considered the most influential advertising expert who's adverts have generated an impressive one billion dollars in sales - in 1956. The techniques he used are still applicable today as these transcend the medium and reach the minds psyche. In his book Breakthrough Marketing which is unfortunately out of print. Which makes it incredibly expensive. The cheapest version I can find is on Amazon at £399.00. It's a used paperback at that!


I managed to find the hardback version on ebay for the exorbitant cost of..... Wait for it! £1,582.99. No wonder that this book has been reported as the most stolen book from US Libaries 


Girl in Library

Read on For Some Headline Gold


November 2020


A Gene Schwartz promise wasn't just big, it usually bordered on the unbelievable. It was virtually impossible not to get sucked into the vortex of his copy if you were a prospect for the product. Even if you were a hardened, penniless cynic, as long as you were literate, a part of you wanted to believe in the promise...and the possibility that life could turn on a dime.

Pile of Newspapers

Headline Examples

November 2020

Headlines phrased as questions:


Do you have the courage to earn half a million dollars a year?


Don't pay a penny for this book until it doubles your power to learn


Is it immoral to make money this easily?


Why haven't people in debt been told these facts?





I just celebrated my 62nd birthday and most people take me for 42 thanks to you.


Why models stay young until 60 revealed at last by the worlds most beautiful women.


Hollywood plastic surgeons amazing new book shows how any women over 30 can look years younger and pounds lighter.


The inside story, how beautiful people get rid of cellulite and ordinary fat without dieting.


At last a plastic surgeons diet designed to carve 20 pounds off your figure in one month, and leave your face looking years younger.

Image by Ashley Byrd

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