Today I want to discuss with you the power of an irresistible offer.
Okay, Now, all great businesses in one way or another are built on an irresistible offer.
what I want to go over in this post are some of the basic elements and pieces that you need to create an irresistible offer.
So for some of you who think that you already have one. I suggest you challenge yourself because every offer can be made better. So a lot of people are saying I already have an irresistible offer.
That’s fabulous, but what if your stats are showing you that it is not performing as well as it did initially?
That's what I would challenge you to do.
Okay, so first of all what is my definition of an irresistible offer?
It's a sizzling package, product, or service with a perceived value five to 10 times greater than the actual price. Okay, so you get an idea of what I'm talking about here.
What’s it got to do with Claude Hopkins?
Claude Hopkins is known as one of the fathers of marketing and advertising. In 1923 he wrote a book called scientific advertising. This is is what he said.
“Make your offer so great that only a lunatic would refuse to buy.”
Okay, so try to put a different perspective of what we're trying to do here with an irresistible offer.
Getting a client to change their offer is at times one of the biggest challenges I face in my business at times when I'm consulting with clients that are struggling.
Business owners get very attached to their existing offers, particularly the ones that used to be high performing.
Frequently they don't understand how important it is to offer a consistently compelling reason to have someone buy your product.
Just because they say, I've got a good product I’ve got a better face cream, online course, ride-on lawnmower, or whatever product, than my competitors. They think it will automatically make people buy.
News Flash ........ IT WON'T
The thing to focus on is to give your prospects an irresistible offer that gives them a compelling reason to buy.
I have found that businesses' fortunes can shift dramatically by creating just such an irresistible offer. Or looking at adjusting their current one. They need to realise that nothing apart from a pond remains stagnant.
You might have had an irresistible offer last year, however the market shifts and changes It might not be as irresistible this year. Especially after the awful effect of covid -19.
You’ve got to keep going back and looking at it, to make sure that you still have an irresistible offer that is both compelling and versatile.
I just want to hammer that home, if you're struggling go back and take a look at your existing offer.
” How can I make my irresistible offer more compelling?”
You’ve got to sell solutions and results. So what should an irresistible offer be about?
It’s NOT about selling features.
It’s NOT about selling benefits.
It’s NOT about selling what can I do for you?
( In one sense it is.)
BUT what you’re really selling is.
In essence, your potential customer | client has problems.
You have the solution, and it's all about how you deliver that solution.
So it might be a done for you service, that'll solve the problem that your clients have.
It might be software, that will solve the problem for your client.
It might be tools that you're using to solve the problem for your client.
An unpalatable fact that you have to remember.
Your customer is not desperately out there looking to buy another ebook to read or another course to study.
In all probability, your prospect doesn't want or have time to watch ten videos to get to his solution.
The bottom line - he's motivated because he has a problem.
He’s looking for the quickest way to get to that solution.
The more compelling, you can make your offer. The more that he believes that you can solve his problem, and give him the solution, the quicker you're gonna have that buyer.
For example, a few years ago I had two offers: running at the same time. Guess which was the most popular?
1: A course on how to Copywrite the content for your Google Ad campaigns
2: Another course that also contains twenty pre-written templates for you to use in your adverts.
Answer = Number two of course..... The quickest solution.
Here's the lesson I learned a long long time ago, I do apologise I can’t remember who said it.
“Promise them what they want, and give them what they need.”
So when we think about the compelling offer when you're selling results and outcomes. That is giving them what they want.
Okay, it's maybe not what they always need at that point but first, you got to start with the point. I promised them what they want and then give them what they need.
ie: Including the lessons on how to run ad campaigns, along with the templates.
Let me know if I can help you with writing your offers.