Claire's Copy Chat No.5
Steve Harrison who was a protege of the famous direct marketer and author Drayton Bird.
Steve went on to set up his own successful agency, Harrison, Troughton, Wunderman.
It was whilst speaking at Drayton Bird's EADIM event ( European Academy of Direct and Interactive Marketing Seminar) that Steve explained copywriting in my opinion in the best, most succinct explanation i've ever heard.
This single sentence explains what a copywriters job is essentially all about.
"Your customer has a problem. Your business provides the solution. An idea, therefore, is simply a demonstration or dramatisation of your solution.”
Now, you probably haven't heard of Drayton Bird. Perhaps you should have with such a memorable name!
He was a brilliant direct marketer and author. Who wrote several books that are now revered amongst trainee and working copywriters alike.
How to write sales letters that sell, and common sense direct marketing among them.
I hope that you found this post useful
Claire Wheeler
Always Spot On!
Writing words that sell